Conceptual Design - Character Development/Design
Egg, Chick or Gosling, Oh My!
In this fun eclectic commercial, I designed a little gosling in a egg that goes on a bouncy adventure. Using some movie magic, I story-boarded the gosling appearing to the audience through X-ray vision while he's being auctioned off as a Faberge egg! The camera moves in and then he winks:-)
At first the character was grey then later became yellow. There were several other stages in its travels that I designed: tire track patterns on the sidewalk, broken glass pieces to make the jewels, etc.

No one asked, but I couldn't resist creating a whole dozen of faux Faberge eggs!
(on my own time of course:-)

We worked on another Do You Dream In Sony commercial about a flying farm pig, (same director) but can't find any clips. (This pic is from an unrelated short, but our pig few at night too!)